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Monthly Donation

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Total du don : $10

Who your gift will help

Trauma Healing for Orphans and Trafficked Children from Fishing Communities.

The project seeks to offer training to care givers and volunteers in Trauma Healing to effectively manage traumatic situations by children in identified orphanages and those trafficked in fishing communities for net pulling business in Ghana. These orphans and trafficked have abusive experiences both physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.

Scriptures for Primary Pupils

This project seeks to provide a total of 100,000 copies of “The Contemporary English Version Bible” to children aged between 10 – 13 years in Public Upper Primary Schools notably in class six over a three year period.


Peace Keeping Bibles For Soldiers

Every year about one thousand men and women of our military personal go on peace keeping duties with the African sub-regions. These men and women minister to us all by protecting us in the best way they know how. A few times some have lost their lives while performing their duty on the battle field.

What as Christians and Bible Society can do is to continuously pray for them and make the work the Word of God available to the troops. So join us with your widows might of (10ghc) per bible and watch how God saves his own even in the midst of battle.

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